█████ Sampler of Gamers Arsenal 1.1 - Arsenal Computer 1-800-9CD-SALE
█████ Games & Gaming (Section 4)
UBJ.ZIP 353,353 08-14-93 ULTIMATE BLAKCJACK v1.2 <ASP> Go where noblackjack player has gone before, into theULTIMATE zone! Enter a fully animated casinocard game and gambling school. Set the numberof decks, change casino rules, play with
computer characters, learn card counting, andmore. $10 + $3 S&H gets registered version ondisk. 512K, EGA or VGA, mouse or keyboard.
UFOTK10.ZIP 286,108 11-29-93 Windows UFO shoot'em up game
ULTGINA.ZIP 205,290 08-18-93 ULTIMATE GIN v1.01 <ASP> Go where no Ginplayer has gone before, into the ULTIMATEzone! Enter a fully animated card game with 8notorious players. Select your Gin variationand play with Hollywood scoring if desired.
Set game scores and bonus amounts. $10 + $3S&H gets registered version on disk. 540K,EGA or VGA, mouse or keyboard.
ULTIMUH.ZIP 167,632 07-15-93 Ultimuh The ultimate role-playing gameincludes scanned in digitized actors, emotiontearing sound track, and dramatic sequences!This is the best example of role-playing evermade in the history of man-kind. 8 Levels of
digitally scanned in graphics... Each onemore complicated than the one before. Can youmake it.......? req. VGA SoundBlaster Optional
UNO11.ZIP 129,964 11-28-93 Freeware Windows knockoff of UNO card game.
USGA.ZIP 181,113 03-16-93 Golf Handicap By Usga Rules.
USHOOT.ZIP 17,542 09-25-93 The ultimate shooting gallery with neatgraphics. Sound Blaster Support RequiresVBRUN200.DLL.
USURP002.ZIP 342,764 02-01-94 Welcome to Usurper, a fantasy game filledwith fastpaced action, violence and instantdeath. This game has only one purpose : togive you a good time without the need ofreading any lengthy documentation. You can
actually enter the game and go berzerkstraight away.
VAST_112.ZIP 1413,164 09-12-93 Tome of Vast Knowledge. AD&D database ofhundreds of spells, monsters, and magicitems. Also includes various files such as aexcellent character generator. Direct fromthe Internet.
VBILT106.ZIP 245,515 09-12-93 Database builder for The Tome of VastKnowledge. Allows importing your owninformation into the various databases.Direct from the Internet.
VDP20.ZIP 320,227 10-12-93 Video Draw Poker - is a game of video pokerfor WIN31. Features include WAV sound supportand 256-color card backs. A 386/33 or bettermachine is recommended. Requires VBRUN300.
VDPOKER.ZIP 754,545 06-16-93 Video Draw Poker (Walter Toews; $25) videopoker. VBRUN200.DLL required.
VGAOXYD.ZIP 733,172 06-16-93 Latest Super VGA version (only) of OXYD.
VGAWHE19.ZIP 105,435 02-22-93 VGAWHEEL v.1.90 <ASP> - A "Wheel of Fortune"/hangman type word game requiring VGA, andmouse optional. Features: colorful wheel, 1-3players, 5 rounds, 1000 puzzles, a soundon/off toggle option, a high score table for
the top 10 WHEELERS, and an editor toadd/delete/modify puzzles. Registered users($10 U.S. funds) receive the author'sdatabase of over 12,000 puzzles.
VGBOARD.ZIP 363,649 04-17-93 The one and only original PC-Ouija board!Turn off the lights and power up you IBM!"VGA (Pronounced 'VEE-JA') Board, theComputer Medium", emulates the ever-popularOuija board, with great results! Yes, now
VINE301.ZIP 100,025 09-08-93 GRAPE VINE 3.0-Colorful EGA Bible game Verysimilar in play to "Wheel Of Fortune" and"Hangman", but now with a new twist! EGA &hard disk required.
VKSKENO.ZIP 152,356 11-11-93 KASINO KENO...New VEGAS KNIGHT'S Software!Pretty incredible VGA KENO game from VEGASKNIGHT'S SOFTWARE featuring: * true Las VegasCasino play! * extremely easy keyboard play!* 256-color graphics and art! * new sound
effects - WOW! VEGAS KNIGHT'S KASINO KENO isthe EASIEST TO PLAY, NICEST LOOKING, BEST VGAKENO GAME in the whole entire UNIVERSE, or SOsays Don Knight of VEGAS KNIGHT'S SOFTWARE.VGA/MCGA - 512k required, mouse, not.
VPOK50.ZIP 254,488 06-08-93 VIDEO POKER SLOT. Version 5.00. EGA Required.The object of the game is to get a poker handof Jack's or better before you can win anymoney. You will be paid off depending on your
hand. The better the hand, the more moneyyou'll win. By United Innovations Plus.
VPOKR208.ZIP 40,204 10-19-93 Video Poker v2.08: MS-Windows single-player 5card draw game: Allows saving info formultiple players.
VPP12.ZIP 14,526 05-01-93 Video Poker Pro v1.2: emulates the newervideo poker machines in Las Vegas thatcontains features such as DEAL (hittingReturn or Enter key when betting), DISCARD(F1-F5), STAND/DRAW (F10) and CANCEL(F9);
VPTUT302.ZIP 111,871 04-12-94 VIDEO POKER TUTOR 3.02. A graphical pokertraining system.
VT_TRV01.ZIP 160,257 02-23-93 * VERMONT STATE TRIVIA * NEW RELEASE ! Basedon Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! FromEgyptian buried treasure in a MiddleburyCemetery to a governor who shot a game birdthrough his dining room window. Its all in
the Vermont State Trivia and you will love itas you uncover Vermonts most hidden secrets!Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
W3V111.ZIP 121,019 11-16-93 WAYNE GRETZKY HOCKEY 3 UPDATE Version 1.11Fixes all bugs, and comes with an updated.EXE and .VOC file.
WAGT.ZIP 324,366 11-21-93 Adventure Game Toolkit for Windows!! Createyour very own text adventure games with thiseasy-to-use "authoring system" which can beused to make games as professional as those
from INFOCOM and others. 384K memory needed.
WALIEN20.ZIP 249,275 03-03-94 Win Aliens v2.00 - Very good arcade game forWindows 3.1 with great animations. A musthave for everyone who likes arcade games.This game uses high-tech programming methodson Windows to render a high speed Space
Invader and Galactica like game. Veryaddictive game. Digitalized sound effects.Lots of graphics. More than 100 levels.
WALLP_11.ZIP 122,631 09-01-93 WALL PIPE v1.1 Req. EGA/VGA & Mouse Wall Pipepits you against the clock as you try to keepwater flowing from a Well, by creating aseries of pipe links to control its flow.Quick thinking and fast reflexes are
essential in order to stay ahead of theonrushing water. Strategy is required tocorrectly place pipes in order to keep thewater flowing as long as possible. Fill upSinks and Tubs and other objects for extra
points. Very Addictive and fun for all ages.
WARI12.ZIP 371,288 05-01-94 WARI V1.2 1-May-94 African Strategy Game for2 players. Also known as MANCALA and OURRI,Wari is over 4,000 years old and was used totrain African tribal chiefs. Easy to learn as
Chinese Checkers, but requires thinking morelike Chess. 3 skill levels, tutorial,animation, music and sound. Requires VGAgraphics, DOS or Windows, and 640K.Soundblaster and mouse recommended.ImagiSOFT, Inc. <ASP>
WARSHIPS.ZIP 126,952 09-09-93 Warships 2.5 (Tag Software; $15) The"Classic" Battleship Game. For the purist whowants an unadulterated version of theoriginal game. Play is against the computerwith both player selection of ship position
and random ship positioning.
WARTANK.ZIP 86,017 06-17-93 War-Tank v. 1.3b, 2 player, tank vs. tankgame. Great action, and competition!!Sareware $5 (or more).
WBRDG340.ZIP 325,939 02-19-94 Bridge v3.40. Windows version of the classiccard game.
WBRIDGE.ZIP 336,426 01-25-94 Bridge for Windows - is a Windows version ofthe classic card game. Requires WIN31 andVBRUN300.
WCLRS105.ZIP 271,935 09-04-93 Winning Colors 1.05 fast horse handicappingsystem.
WDETCT10.ZIP 144,981 02-06-94 WINDETECTIVE v1.0 - A "whodunnit" game forWindows, somewhat like Clue, with 3 computeropponents, 3 difficulty levels, starshiptheme for suspects, locations, weapons cards,and replaceable card sets. Req. Win3.1,
mouse. First release 02/94.
WDTX15.ZIP 273,874 02-14-94 WORDTRIX VERSION 1.5 <ASP> Tetris-like gamethat teaches phonics.- Wordtrix is aTetris-like game in which word parts(phonograms) drop into words with blanks.Picture clues help kids identify words.
Registered users get two additional gamemodes, and a bonus game, Affix. Rqs. EGA/VGA,HD, 512K RAM. Education - Language TEA TIMESOFTWARE
WEEK1.ZIP 8,456 09-07-93 Complete fantasy footbal statistics for week1 of the 1993 NFL season.
WEEK2.ZIP 8,435 09-14-93 Complete fantasy football statistics for wee2 of the 1993 NFL season.
WFIGHT08.ZIP 79,948 02-08-93 Winfight "Far West Style" Game For Windows.
WFILL22.ZIP 93,476 01-03-94 WORD FILL VERSION 2.2 <ASP> AFill-in-the-Word type puzzle program.- AFill-in-the-Word type puzzle program. Theprogram can create an extensive number ofpuzzle programs of different types and skill
levels. A list of words can be entered tocreate a personalized puzzle. Greate forteachers and publishers.
WG_NHL94.ZIP 33,923 09-26-93 1994 NHL Lineups for Wayne Gretzky Hockey.
WHCAVE.ZIP 430,926 11-21-93 WINDOWS HUMONGOUS CAVE The Windows version ofHumongous Cave, believed to be the largesttext adventure available on a microcomputer.Created with the new Windows Version of theAGT i.e., the Adventure Game Toolkit.
WHITESOX.ZIP 23,370 01-19-93 Pinball Game (Use W/ Mode Slow on 286/386).
WHUNT23.ZIP 54,920 01-03-94 WORD HUNT VERSION 2.3 <ASP> A WordSearch-and-Find type puzzle program- A wordSearch-and-Find type puzzle program. Theprogram can create an extensive number ofpuzzles at different skill levels from it's
stored word database. A list of words can beentered to create a personalized puzzle.Great for teachers and publishers
WINBJ2.ZIP 170,202 03-02-94 Windows Blackjack v2.0 - Robert Villwock $10
WINCANAS.ZIP 52,918 12-19-93 Canasta v1.0 is a card game for Windows. Placanasta against a computer opponent. RequiresWindows 3.1 and a VGA monitor.
WINCORE1.ZIP 150,206 03-25-94 Core War for Windows v1.00. Fully supportsthe '88 redcode standard. Game where userwritten programs battle in a virtualcomputer's memory.
WINCRY10.ZIP 37,506 04-28-93 WinCrypt v1.0: MS-Windows game that takes arandom phrase from the default file (or theASCII file of your choice) and encrypts thatphrase using a substitution code VBRUN300 re
WINCRYPT.ZIP 37,718 01-26-94 WinCrypt - encrypts a phrase using asubstitution code. Your goal is to decryptthe phrase in the shortest time possible.
WINDALEK.ZIP 543,204 01-04-94 New version of Win~Daleks Game. Dr. Who hasto deal with the Daleks w/digitized sound forWindows 3.x
WINGO130.ZIP 99,846 02-13-94 WinGo! is a fun version of Bingo for Windows.Play against several levels of computeropponents. Use as many cards as you can andplay at the speed you like.
WINNER93.ZIP 130,285 09-18-93 Winner$ 2.1 Football Handicapping System
WINPOK3.ZIP 79,490 01-21-94 WinPoker - is a casino-style version of Jacksor Better video poker for Windows.
WINSAW.ZIP 191,030 09-06-93 WINSAW Richard LeVitt; $0 is a Windows jigsawpuzzle. Load any Windows *.BMP image filefrom disk and the program converts it into arandom set of tiles which you can select and
drag into position to re-create the originalpicture.
WINYAH.ZIP 14,117 09-15-93 WinYahtzee by Michael Rapier. Faithfuladaptation of the classic dice game. Up tothree columns may be played simultaneously.Requires VBRUN300.DLL. FREEWARE.
WJ_30H.ZIP 340,067 02-10-94 WinJack - is a game of Blackjack for Windows.NEW: support for 256-color displays,animation, sound effects, card counting,statistics, and more.
WLCASINO.ZIP 77,744 11-13-93 New age casino game from H/S Programming!
WMAJ11.ZIP 176,066 02-25-94 TOUZAI-Mahjong. 4 player Mahjong from Japan.Mahjong is the most popular game in Japan.Mahjong is more complex and difficult thanAmerican "cleared hand" and "one-double"games, but a lot more to it than you first
imagine. Also TOUZAI-Mahjong is an exotic,real and exciting game. TOUZAI-Mahjong is oneof the most popular game in Japanese majorBBS.
WMATCH40.ZIP 48,145 01-24-94 Win Match v4.0. Card game where the object isto move the face cards to the top tree rows,with Kings on top row, then Queens, thenJacks while removing all noneface cardsone-pair at a time. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
WNCR302C.ZIP 67,532 01-29-94 Cribbage for Windows v3.02C: object of thegame is to complete 2 circuits of thecribboard before your opponent; online help;
WNCRP102.ZIP 78,529 01-01-94 Craps! V1.02: MS-Windows game that is anattempt to re-create casino playw/comprehensive help; 01/01/94; Ralph Scott.
WOB10.ZIP 775,913 11-02-93 The Walls of Bratock V 1.0 The best sharewarerole-playing game ever! Stunning VGA 256colors graphics, Awesome Sound Blaster musicsand digitized sounds, and two great cinematic
cut-scenes. Fight fearsome monsters and talkto dozens of people as a monstruous questunfolds before you! /\ By Oracle Software /\Optionnal speech pack: WOBSB10.XXX OVER 2.5MEGS of pure role-playing
WORDLE.ZIP 254,646 11-01-93 WORDLE v1.0 Zip Name: Wordle.zip Wordle isanother challenging word game from SoleauSoftware. The objective is to spell as manywords as possible from a grid of 25 randomletters. There are many ways to play, either
with variable time limits or by number ofwords spelled. Wordle has its own dictionaryof over 80,000 words, score cards, and muchmore. The game will provide hours ofentertainment for all ages! Requires EGA/VGA- Hard Disk Recommended
WORDY2.ZIP 330,502 01-07-94 Wordy - is a word construction game thatchallenges you to enter as many words as youcan make out of a set of letters. Wordychecks your choices against a 94,000 worddictionary and keeps track of your score. It
WORDY20.ZIP 331,738 01-26-94 * WORDY 2.0 Educational word constructiongame of special interest to Scrabble (tm)players. Checks entered words "on the fly"against included 94,000 word dictionary.Versions for both color and mono systems.
$2.00 to register.
WORLD3D1.ZIP 228,486 09-19-93 3DWorld: Voyageur IV & 3D Ping Pong! 3DWorldby Robert Burke: 2 Games in 1! Uses theincredible TunnelVISION system! Voyageur IV &3D Ping Pong: Download it today & feel thepower! Req:386;VGA;Mouse!
WOWSPILL.ZIP 115,945 09-09-93 WOWSpill v1.0 <ASP Author> - Windowsarcade/strategy game where you race againstthe clock and water flow to connect randompieces of pipe from the water faucet to thedrain. If the water reaches the end of the
pipe before you connect it to the drain, aspill occurs. Extra points are awarded forusing bonus pieces and creatingintersections. Three board sizes, each withit's own high score board. Shareware, $15.00registration.
WP103.ZIP 343,299 05-18-93 WILD PITCH! v1.03 - Baseball simulation thatallows you to test your skills as a bigleague skipper. Select lineups, pitchers,steal bases, bunt, hit and run, etc. Viewtons of stats any time! Expanded boxscore,
detailed score card, cool ballpark windowshows outcome of plays, automatic lineupselection! Easy-to-use user interface. All1992 AL & NL teams! Shareware. $25 registeredversion includes printed manual. MS Software.
WPS.ZIP 123,023 09-21-93 Win Pelvis-n-Space by BFM Software. Containsa 15-minute demo of a game where you mustrescue the King ("Pelvis") from alienabductors. Requires a 286+, WIN31, VGA, and amouse SHAREWARE: $15
WQ10.ZIP 267,951 04-06-93 > World Quest v1.0 < VGA Arcade gamefeaturing smooth scrolling, GreatSoundBlaster effects and music, joystick orkeyboard control, and massive fire power.Written with the WordUp Graphics Toolkit
v3.2. Over 140 sprites onscreen at once!Released Jan 10, 1993. Shareware $15 WordUpSoftware Productions
WRLDEMP2.ZIP 277,083 01-04-94 _World Empire_ The classic strategy game.Battle the computer or fellow humans forworld domination! This award- winning programoffers hours, nay, days - of enjoyablehegemony. Viable Software Alternatives with
Ultimate Software
WROIDS10.ZIP 245,157 09-19-93 WinRoids 1.0 Shareware Asteroids for Windows
WSC31.ZIP 111,004 09-17-93 Word Search Creator(TM) 3.1 gives youcomplete control over the creation of a wordsearch puzzle. You may enter words manuallyor automatically. Also featured: full sizegrid of the puzzle, mouse support, popup
windows and menus, easy file and directorycontrol and support and configuration formost printers. Requires EGA/VGA.
WSLAM.ZIP 45,784 09-21-93 A really cool air hockey windows game.
WSP10.ZIP 48,791 06-30-93 Word Search Puzzle Generator. Up to 30 wordsCan use spaces in entries. Plain or fancyprintout on Epson & IBM compatible printers.
WSPMV2.ZIP 114,761 12-03-93 Word Search Puzzle Maker V2 can create 24variations of word search puzzle, makes itquick and easy to create and save shapedgrids, allows a user to create and save hisown word lists, and save puzzles into ASCII
files to be easily imported into editors andword processors.
WSR4_1A.ZIP 348,597 08-31-93 WALL $TREET RAIDER v4.1 <ASP> Disk 1 of 2.The corporate takeover game and simulationthe ultimate in gritty realism. Simulates a"real-time" stock market, with constantly mo-ving stock ticker, financial news headlines,
as you attempt to react to constantly chang-ing economic model, investing in any of 250companies (IBM, GM, etc.) in 36 industries. 1to 4 players, or play against computer. Un-ique, exciting interface! Ronin Software, $25
WSR4_1B.ZIP 111,977 08-31-93 WALL $TREET RAIDER v4.1 <ASP> Disk 2 of 2.Reviewing the program in BYTE Jerry Pournellewrote of W$R, "You can really learn somethingabout stocks, mergers, takeovers, and..HAVE A
WHACKING GOOD TIME IN THE BARGAIN....As thesemachines get more powerful, I expect to see alot more of this kind of game." Now, with new"Cheat Mode" to engage in financial scamming!1 to 4 players, or play against the computer.
Nothing else like it! Ronin Software, $25.00
WSRCH10.ZIP 130,342 03-04-94 WORDSEARCH MANIA! v1.0 - Solve 'Word Search'Puzzles on your PC! Requires Windows 3.1,VBRUN300.DLL, and a mouse. Solve up to 10puzzles simultaneously! Build your ownpuzzles to solve, or let the computer build
them for you (Reg Ver Only)! Solve puzzleswith a time limit! Change the puzzle font!Circle words in three different ways! Printpuzzles with or without circled answers! RegPrice: $19.99.
WSS114.ZIP 77,943 06-19-93 Word Search and Scramble (WSS) v1.14: wordsearch puzzle and word scramble (jumble)generator; also provides a powerful texteditor that you can use to create and editthe word lists required by WSS; designed as
WT171.ZIP 131,569 12-19-93 Win Trek v1.71: StarTrek game for MS-Windows;
WURM.ZIP 68,129 11-24-93 FRUIT WORM GAME: Guide your worm around theplay field, grabbing goodies and avoidingyour ever-growing tail. Fun and addicting!VG
WW2TRV02.ZIP 162,123 02-17-93 * WORLD WAR II TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! * Basedon Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Fewpeople's lives where unaffected in the 1930'sand '40s by WORLD WAR II. Relive the an era &
learn about the battles, the planes the ships& the people involved in this war Its allhere with World War II Trivia ! RequiresMinimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
WWUMP_10.ZIP 17,342 09-15-93 Wumpus for Windows! Hunt the Wumpus, dude.Complete with crude graphics. Hey, it's FREE!Needs VBRUN100.DLL
XARG_PRE.ZIP 161,926 03-01-94 =========== THE XARGON TRILOGY=========== Thehottest new release from EPIC MegaGames. With256-color scrolling graphics, digital soundeffects and 21 original songs for those with
a Sound Blaster or compatible music card. TheTRILOGY consists of Forty Gigantic Levelswith enough excitement to keep youentertained for many months to come. Comingvery soon . . .
XDOWN28.ZIP 312,144 01-20-94 CROSSDOWN V2.8D <ASP> SOLVE AND CONSTRUCTCROSSWORD PUZZLES- Solve and constructpro-quality crossword puzzles on yourcomputer. Mouse-driven, colorful graphicinterface features animation, sound effects.
Easy to use. High-res printer output in avariety of formats. Automatic puzzlenumbering. Games, Word SAM BELLOTTO JR.
XERIX13.ZIP 143,116 01-02-93 XERIX version 1.3 by Brendan Reville.256-color VGA futuristic space adventure.Guide a space ship through a strange worldand destroy/avoid enemy obstacles. Smooth,multi-level scrolling, triple parallaxing,
XMASLE93.ZIP 173,195 11-11-93 Christmas lemmings '93! Help little guys totheir christmas cake house. Graphics galore!
XMASLEM.EXE 156,045 05-25-93 Just in time for Christmas a four stagespecial Christmas Lemmings game. Cool.
XOLO.ZIP 126,974 08-31-93 Shareware Asteroids type game vga/sb
XWD4WD10.ZIP 94,906 12-22-93 Word for Word v1.0: game of word puzzles andstrategy for two or more players whose objectis to solve your puzzle, while blocking otherplayers from solving theirs
XWORD10.ZIP 188,830 03-27-94 THE DAILY CROSSWORD v1.0 <ASP> - Generate topquality crosswords with a single keystroke.Uses a 7000+ word dictionary (plus clues) togenerate a different puzzle every time. Solve
the puzzles on screen, or print them out forlater use or for publication. Has fullfacilities for dictionary editing and forcreating new dictionaries. Enables personalgreetings or advertising slogans to beembedded in the puzzle.
XWORDC10.ZIP 185,140 04-22-94 Crossword Challenge - VGA puzzle game Solveelectronic crossword puzzles on yourcomputer! Answer peek, save work optionsfeatured. Requires VGA & HD.
XWORDS.ZIP 185,542 04-01-93 Crossword Game!
XXIV.ZIP 64,196 06-05-93 XXIV is a "falling blocks" arcade gamesimilar to the Russian import; requires VGA
X_LAG.ZIP 65,575 04-07-93 Action game based on the Desert War. CGA,MCGA, EGA, VGA, MOUSE
YAHT_C.ZIP 22,402 02-20-94 2 player Yahtzee game for Windows.
YATZY_4.ZIP 58,737 02-16-93 Yhatzee Ver. 4.0.
YOTZ11.ZIP 16,972 01-17-94 Yotz v1.1. Classic family dice game, for upto 8 players, where each player attempts tomaximize their score by rolling the dice andselecting the category.
YUMB.ZIP 69,642 03-27-93 YUMB Game of skill, challenge and ... You canplay by yourself or with computer you cansave the game for later play. VERY easyinstallation/configuration. Will even work ona 1-floppy 8088 PC! Keywords: YUMB DICE Auth:
Vladimir Glusica v1.2 11-03-92
Z66PRV.ZIP 244,113 02-11-93 - Renaissance 1993 Presents -= Zone 66 ScreenShot Preview =- A Few Screen Shots From OurSoon To Be Released Game: Zone 66!
ZANTI1.ZIP 268,452 10-20-93 Zanti! - is an exciting multi-media arcadegame. You must guide the Zanti aliens intothe hands of Earth's military. This isaccomplished by connecting pieces of a tunnelfrom the invader's ship to an ending piece.
If you have played any of the "Pipe Dream"type games, you'll understand how this works.Also requires ZANTI2.ZIP.
ZANTI2.ZIP 482,734 10-21-93 ZANTI2.ZIP - contains WAV sound files for usewith the Windows arcade game Zanti! (Alsorequires ZANTI1.ZIP.)
ZANTI3.ZIP 1335,631 10-21-93 ZANTI3.ZIP - is a set of PG-13 rated graphicfiles for use with the Windows arcade gameZanti! (Also requires ZANTI1.ZIP andZANTI2.ZIP.)
ZEUX1.ZIP 173,325 03-20-94 Labrynth of Zeux by Software Visions A newrelease...Explore Zeux in search of amystical staff...Requires VGA graphics,logical thinking, and quick reflexes.Supports SB CMF music. US$10
ZONE10.ZIP 79,232 03-17-93 *ZoNe 10 [ZZT]* NEW By Digital Reality Zone10 is an action pack game with 6 levels ofFUN. PEE CEE killing music. Must aquire ZZTto run.
ZOOLPLAY.ZIP 149,886 06-11-93 A Sonic the Hedgehog clone. This game playssimilar to the Sega classic Hedghog. Gamerequires VGA and supports SoundBlaster,Adlib, Roland and joystick. There's even anadjustment to increase his speed! This is a
fully working demo.
ZORAK100.ZIP 120,839 04-21-94 Zorak: The Mountain Of Terror : Ultima StyleGame For E/VGA
ZULU30.ZIP 171,472 05-27-93 -= The Tournament of Zulula 3.0 =- Greatlyenhanced version of this tournament game.Battle 8 different races/creatures as youfight your way to the top of the Tournamentof Zulula. Features great action, CGA
graphics and great sound effects /\ By OracleSoftware enr. /\
ZZTDUN2F.ZIP 46,194 02-17-93 Dungeons ][ the Five Golden Coins for Zzt 3.Fun , Tough! By Gregory Janson, Prodigy Id-
ZZT_BUGT.ZIP 27,876 02-17-93 Bugtown for Zzt 3.2 By Gregory Janson... MyFirst Game...Not Quite as Good as Zzt-3trl orZztdun2f... Interesting Objects, Fun! Enjoy!
ZZT_CNBL.ZIP 31,878 02-17-93 Cannibal Island World for Zzt 3.2 By GregoryJanson, Good, Just Like All of My Others!Contact Me at Prodigy: Pjtk93b!
ZZT_CRED.ZIP 221,319 04-07-93 _-The COOKIE Factory ~-_ Presents....*Prodigy ID Code Red *_-~~-__-~~-_ For ZZT 3.2*PJTK93B By GRegory JAnson Awesome music,sound, and graphics complement a superb plotwith eight endings! So large it is contained
in three .ZZT files! Over 200 screens of fun!If you have ZZT, download this! A much bettergame than Town! Must try to believe...Manynever before seen Objects - SHAREWARE US$8.00-
ZZT_DUN2.ZIP 45,421 02-06-93 Dungeons of Zzt ][, the Five Golden CoinsFind the 5 Golden Coins to Free Yourself...Fun and Tough... Cheat and Difficult Modes inAddition to a Normal Mode... By GregoryJanson, Try Zzt3trl2 and Zzt-Robo
_011HAVO.ZIP 39,432 06-01-93 ELECTRON HAVOC arcade game; needs vga; shootopponent through deflecting gravity fields;for one or two players.
_011HORR.ZIP 63,166 05-31-93 ENDLESS HORROR arcade game; needs ega; parodyof Street Fighter-type games; spar withmutants: knock their heads off or get slimed!
_012HELL.ZIP 37,568 05-07-93 Elevators From Hell arcade Game; Needs Ega;Escape Psychopathic Guard in DesertedBuilding Using Elevators; Very Clever: theGuard Can Also Use the Elevators!
_016HORU.ZIP 54,617 04-27-93 Eye of Horus arcade Game: Needs Ega/Mouse;Zap Aliens While Avoiding Counter-Fire; Lotsof Action and Very Colorful!
_9POKWIN.ZIP 436,613 02-01-94 _Poke-It Poker! for Windows_ Las Vegas VideoPoker! From the makers of World Empire II,this immensely addictive game accur- atelysimulates the real thing thing. AND IT'S ALOT CHEAPER! Take my word for it. I've lost
on both! Note: UnZIPs to 700k (approx.) NeedsVBRUN200.DLL. Viable Software Alternatives
_AQST15.ZIP 381,228 05-28-93 Animal Quest 1.5, game by Alive Software Stepinto the wild world of Nature as a Forestanimal. Discover your prey, avoid yourpredators. Collect energy tokens and survive.A never ending adventure. Includes foxes,
bears, rabbits, wolves and many more animals.Take a walk on the wild side. A fun gamefilled with sound effects, music and greatgraphics. Req:EGA/VGA, Supports:Mouse,SVGA,Sblaster
_CATCH14.ZIP 145,673 04-01-93 Catch...If You Can! (286 & VGA required) Asimple, but action packed, addictive gamethat everyone will enjoy! Supports SoundBlaster. Source Avail.
_ELECTRO.ZIP 450,895 03-21-94 ELECTRO MAN Your starbase has beeninfiltrated by alien attackers. In ElectroMan, you must journey through dozens ofscreens filled with exciting puzzles andrun-jump-and-shoot action! You'll be addicted
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